Uses of Package

Packages that use org.jjazz.utilities.api
The model of a chord leadsheet.
The models for chord leadsheet items.
Graphical flat components: flat buttons, flat knobs, led indicator, etc.
All Midi stuff: JJazzMidiSystem, Midi synths, Midi instruments, Midi banks, Midi drumkits, drumkit keymaps, Midi file parsers, etc.
Models to represent a playback session played by the MusicController.
The model of a music phrase for a single instrument, e.g. a bass phrase or a drums phrase.
Service provider to provide rhythm instances.
Objects and helper methods to generate musical phrases from the song and form the final backing track (see SongSequenceBuilder).
The model of a song, which mainly contains a ChordLeadSheet and a SongStructure.
Describe the context for which a backing track should be generated: which (part of the) song, which MidiMix.
The model of a song structure, ie a list of SongParts.
General purpose utilities.