Package org.jjazz.utilities.api

package org.jjazz.utilities.api
General purpose utilities.

  • Class
    Special array used to track some changes (but not all of them, eg using iterators etc.).
    A simple file filter based on file extensions .
    A generic filter.
    A range between 2 positive floats.
    A basic integer (zero or positive) interval.
    A basic long integer (zero or positive) interval.
    An error report which can store multiple individual errors.
    Notify the user of an MultipleErrorsReport.
    A special InstanceContent directly copied from the original source code (NB7), but which uses MutableInstanceContent internally to allow handling of mutable objects.
    Properties which can be listened to.
    Helper methods to use ResourceBundles.
    A silly but fast map for small maps, based on simple ArrayLists and iterative search.
    String-value based and serializable ObservableProperties.
    An Action which can be selected or not.
    Various convenience functions.