Package org.jjazz.phrase.api

package org.jjazz.phrase.api
The model of a music phrase for a single instrument, e.g. a bass phrase or a drums phrase.

  • Class
    Specify positions which appear repeatedly, for example the beat 1.5 of each 4/4 measure.
    A convenience class to manipulate notes from a Phrase.
    A Note with a position and optional client properties.
    A NoteEvent wrapper to be used as hash/map key when 2 different NoteEvent instances need to be considered as equal when their attributes are equal (except client properties).
    A collection of NoteEvents that are kept sorted by start position.
    Helper methods using Phrases.
    Generate basic sample phrases.
    A Phrase which has a size (beat range) and a time signature.
    A source Phrase is a Phrase associated to a source chord symbol and possibly with some client properties.
    A set of phrases for different channels.