All Classes and Interfaces

Provider of textual info for the About dialog.
Super class for MIDI input or output device provider.
Phrase manipulation methods dealing with accents and anticipated chords.
For a given phrase decide how chord symbols with HOLD/SHOT/EXTENDED_HOLD_SHOT rendering options should be processed.
A service provider which provides the musical phrases of the active song, which are built in a background task.
A service provider which manages the active song and MidiMix.
When to send Midi Messages.
A marker interface for a rhythm which is an adapted version of an existing rhythm but for a different time signature.
Ac action to let users add rhythms, permanently of for the current session.
A filter used to decide whether the alternate data of a CLI_ChordSymbol should be used.
Used as the alternate content of an ExtChordSymbol.
Feature usage analytics methods.
Log the start application event
Log the application stop event.
Log the upgrade event.
A processor of feature analytics events.
Process the anticipated chords.
Arranger Top component
Interface for Sequencers that are able to do the auto-connect as required by MidiSystem.getSequencer()
This object groups several BarRenderers in a "stack view" that represent one leadSheet bar.
A BarBoxConfig defines the BarRenderer types supported by a BarBox and the active ones.
Base class for BarRenderer.
Provide a consistent set of BarRenderer implementations.
A BarRenderer provider.
A base implementation of a PlaybackSession to render a SongContext.
The rhythm pulse.
A BarRenderer who displays events based on beat position within a bar must implements this interface.
This LayoutManager places ItemRenderers at their corresponding beat position, depending on the DisplayQuantization setting.
A beat Iterator within a Song.
Manage the border changes when a mouse is over registered (flat) components, and when component is enabled/disabled.
A MidiSynth provider reading Cakewalk .ins instrument definition files.
This MidiDevice can reroute MidiMessages from one channel to another.
A chord is an array of notes which have different pitches.
The model for a chord leadsheet.
Items which belong to a ChordLeadSheet.
An interface for items used only for position comparison purposes, when using the NavigableSet/SortedSet-based methods of ChordLeadSheet or ChordSequence.
Music rendering info associated to a chord.
Change the way music is rendered for a chord symbol.
A convenience class to analyze and manipulate a suite of chord symbols extracted from a ChordLeadSheet, possibly with different TimeSignatures.
A jazz chord symbol.
An editor dialog for a chord symbol.
Find matching chord symbol(s) from individual notes.
Define methods how to convert CLI_ChordSymbols from/to Strings.
Represents a chord type like "m7", its aliases and its degrees.
An ordered list of chord symbol degrees.
All chord symbols must belong to 1 of these 5 groups.
Manage the list of recognized chordtypes and their aliases.
A service provider to represent a chord symbol.
A JDialog used to edit a ChordLeadSheet bar.
Listener of events fired by CL_ContextActionSupport.
A helper class to write CL_Editor context aware actions.
A ChordLeadSheet editor.
A listener for mouse events of interest.
Top component for the ChordLeadSheet editor.
Provide convenience methods to get information about a selection in a lookup.
Represent a bar annotation text at a specific bar.
A ChordLeadSheetItem which uses ExtChordSymbol objects as data.
A dummy CLI_ChordSymbol class which can be used only for position comparison when using the NavigableSet/SortedSet-based methods of ChordLeadSheet or ChordSequence.
A factory for ChordLeadSheetItems.
Represent a section with a name (e.g.
An event to indicate that a high-level ChordLeadSheet action that changes the leadsheet has started or is complete.
The base class which represents a change in the ChordLeadSheet.
Objects that want to listen to ChordLeadSheet changes must implement this interface.
General methods on ChordLeadSheets.
The user-triggered collapsable contentPanel containing the component (trigger) in the titled border
Manage a set of consistent colors.
A control track contains custom MetaEvents used by the MusicController to fire PlaybackListener events.
PlaybackSession additional capability: the sequence contains a control track.
Singleton class to manage ChordLeadSheetItems and Bars for copy/paste operations.
Singleton class to manage NoteEvent copy/paste operations.
Simple layout which puts components at their preferred size in one of the 4 corners.
A cross shape like a '+'.
Read chord symbols from a .csv file.
Specify positions which appear repeatedly, for example the beat 1.5 of each 4/4 measure.
A JJazzLab theme using dark colors.
Special array used to track some changes (but not all of them, eg using iterators etc.).
Dialog to let user add GM-instrument mappings.
Default implementation of this service provider
A special RpEditorComponentFactory only for the default RhythmParameters.
The types of RP editors supported by this factory.
The default RpViewerRenderer factory.
The types of renderers supported by this factory.
The possible degrees that make a chord.
The natural degrees.
A dummy class just to use annotations in order to create a Netbeans callback action for our Delete action.
An action to delete a rhythm file.
Represents a difference, as used in Diff.
The main parameters of a drum kit instrument: a drum/key map and its ambiance type.
Defines a key map for a drumkit: associate a percussion name to a note pitch.
Subset of instruments (pitches) of a in a KeyMap.
The main ambience types based on GM2 standard.
Change velocity of drums notes.
A dummy generator that generate simple tracks for test purposes.
A dummy rhythm which does nothing.
A dummy class just to use annotations in order to create a Netbeans callback action for our Edit action, which does different things according we're on a ChordLeadSheet or a SongStructure.
An editor tool: selection, pencil, eraser, etc.
Interface for a JJazzLab embedded synth.
Provide an EmbeddedSynth instance and its related methods.
PlaybackSession additional capability: an action should be executed when music playback is stopped (because user stopped it or end of sequence is reached).
An extended chord symbol with additionnal features:
A simple file filter based on file extensions .
A family of similar instruments.
Store favorite instruments as preferences.
A special synth that just mirrors the favorite instruments in a bank.
Store the favorite rhythms as preferences.
The rhythm feel.
Manage the various directories and file types used by the application.
A transferable for one file which supports DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor.
A generic filter.
A JPanel with a fixed preferred width.
A very simple button using a JLabel.
A help icon button that display text as a dialog when clicked.
An horizontal flat slider.
A flat knob.
A vertical flat slider.
A factory for predefined FlatIntegerKnobs.
A simple activity indicator.
A simple modal text edit undecorated dialog.
A flat toggle button.
A range between 2 positive floats.
A special interface for objects managing fonts and colors settings.
One Font and Color setting.
A JLabel which automatically resize its font to fit the available width.
Store general UI settings, manage the current and available Themes, the current and available Locales.
High-level musical genre.
General Midi 1 bank.
An Instrument from the GM1 bank.
General Midi 2 bank.
A synth which only contains the GM2 bank.
The table can associate an Instrument from a MidiSynth to each of the GM1 instruments + the special DRUMS/PERCUSSION static instances.
A synth which only contains the GM bank.
A convenience class to manipulate notes from a Phrase.
A helper class to calculate a number of data related to one chord symbol of a chord sequence with an associated grid.
The Roland GS Bank (based on SC55).
The Roland GS Bank.
A special class for GS drums instruments.
A special class for GS instruments.
A synth which only contains the GS banks.
Represent a guitar chord chart/diagram.
A TextArea for help texts : non editable, font is preset, not opaque.
The HSLColor class provides methods to manipulate HSL (Hue, Saturation Luminance) values to create a corresponding Color object using the RGB ColorSpace.
Top component which displays something.
Improvisor leadsheet file reader.
The data used to select via MIDI an instrument on a synthesizer.
If Instrument's bank is null serialization will fail.
A set of Instruments grouped in a bank.
A dialog to select an instrument for a MidiMix channel.
An Instrument with its InstrumentSettings.
The variables which impact the way an Instrument is rendered.
A JTable to show a list of instruments.
The intensity or power of a rhythm.
A basic integer (zero or positive) interval.
Represents an annotation text.
ItemRenderers which can handle the copy mode implement this interface.
Represent the CopyIndicator using a cross shape.
Represents a section name.
The various types of ItemRenderers.
Items (possibly including sections) have been shifted left or right by a number of bars.
One item has changed its content.
An item's client property has changed.
One item (but not a section) has been moved.
The base class for ItemRenderers.
Provide a consistent set of ItemRenderer instances.
The JFontChooser class is a swing component for font selection.
Provide JDK's MidiSystem access to our Sequencer implementation.
A generic MidiDevice that should be subclassed to create your own MidiDevice.
Manage the Midi IN and OUT devices for the JJazz application, plus some convenience methods.
This is a copy of UndoRedo.Manager with a few convenience methods added to work with CompoundEdits.
Listener for JJazzLab user-level undoable edits.
Stores JJazzUndoManager instances, e.g. one per song.
A JPanel representing a Piano keyboard with selectable keys.
Piano keyboard orientation.
Define the size (number of keys) of a KeyboardComponent.
The General Midi KeyMap.
The GS/GM2 Midi Drum Map.
A provider for DrumKit.KeyMaps.
The Yamaha XG standard Drum Map.
The XG PopLatin key map.
The key range used by a DrumKit.KeyMap.
A WheelSpinner with a label.
A JJazzLab theme using light colors.
A TransferHandler to reorder items in a DefaultListModel.
A basic long integer (zero or positive) interval.
Install the look & feel required by the Theme, see explanations below while @OnStart was not used.
Display the value as a vertical meter with max 10 leds of 3 colors.
The data to select an Instrument via Midi.
This MidiDevice dispatches incoming MidiMessages on different transmitters depending on the midi channel of the message.
Midi Constants
A list renderer for MidiDevice.
Our drag'n drop support to accept external Midi files dragged into a component.
This MidiDevice forwards MidiMessages from in to out, except for messages that are filtered out (discarded).
A specialized JList to display system's IN MidiDevices.
A set of up to 16 InstrumentMixes, 1 per Midi channel with 1 RhythmVoice associated.
Global instance to obtain MidiMixes for songs and rhythms.
A specialized JList to display system's OUT MidiDevices, including the Java internal synth.
MIDI output device provider.
A MidiSynth is a collection of InstrumentBanks.
Required by the MidiSynth serialization process : an implementation must be available in the global lookup.
A reader of MidiSynths.
Manager the list of MidiSynths used during a JJazzLab session.
Copy the default Midi files in the app config directory.
Convenience MIDI functions.
Some utilities for MIDI (some stuff is used from javax.sound.midi)
Edit song instruments parameters.
The UI panels associated to a channel.
Top component which displays something.
Provide a MP3 encoder.
An error report which can store multiple individual errors.
Notify the user of an MultipleErrorsReport.
Control the music playback of a PlaybackSession.
The playback states.
An exception to be used by MusicGenerators.
A thread to handle successive incoming music generation requests.
A result from a music generation.
Define the music generation capability of a Rhythm.
MusicXML leadsheet file reader.
A special InstanceContent directly copied from the original source code (NB7), but which uses MutableInstanceContent internally to allow handling of mutable objects.
A tagging interface for RhythmParameter value classes which are mutable.
A special "NC" chord symbol for No Chord.
Draw score notations.
A note has a pitch, a duration (symbolic and in beats), and a velocity.
Compute note colors depending on note velocity.
A Note with a position and optional client properties.
A NoteEvent wrapper to be used as hash/map key when 2 different NoteEvent instances need to be considered as equal when their attributes are equal (except client properties).
Access to note icons.
A listener to Note ON/OFF events fired by the MusicController.
A JComponent which represents a NoteEvent.
Utility bank used only to store the Void instrument.
Properties which can be listened to.
The builtin OutputSynth for the Yamaha Tyros/PSR reference synth.
An OutputSynth describes the capabilities of the synth connected to an output Midi device.
Management of the OutputSynth instances.
A collection of NoteEvents that are kept sorted by start position.
A component to show a "bird's eye view" of whole or part of a Phrase.
Helper methods using Phrases.
Generate basic sample phrases.
An object which can transform a phrase into another one.
Descriptive info of a PhraseTransform.
Possible categories for PhraseTransforms.
A chain of PhraseTransforms.
A list renderer for PhraseTransform items.
The PhraseTransformManager is the central place to get information about installed PhraseTransforms.
A provider for PhraseTransform instances.
Various helper methods about PhraseTransforms.
A piano keyboard key.
A piano roll editor of a phrase.
A TopComponent to use a PianoRollEditor for a song phrase.
Listener of events occuring during song playback.
Convenience class.
A PlaybackSession contains the data needed by the MusicController to play music and provide related services (firing beat or chord symbol events, managing tempo changes, ...).
Playback settings (click, precount, looping, playback transposition, auto-update mode) and related helper methods.
A simple "Please wait..."
A position in a leadsheet.
Shows the position in bar/beat.
A CL_BarEditorDialog can be preset depending on the way it has been triggered.
A JPanel whose preferred size keeps its aspect ratio.
Special properties for PhraseTransformer.
Quantization possible values.
Provide quantize related methods and properties.
A JComponent to be used as a RhythmParameter value editor by the RealTimeRpEditorDialog.
A RpCustomEditor dialog implementation which lets user preview the RP value changes in real time (while the sequence is playing).
A MouseAdapter that transmit everything to a parent.
MidiDevice that can use reference counting for open/close.
A JTable to edit a GM1RemapTable.
A remote action stores the list of MidiMessages which can trigger an action.
A provider of remote actions.
Manage the Midi IN remote control playback operations.
Replace at runtime the undo and redo icons.
Reset the Explorer and Output windows.
Helper methods to use ResourceBundles.
A rhythm descriptor.
The RhythmDatabase is the central place to get information about installed rhythms and get Rhythm instances.
Associate a Rhythm instance to a RhythmProvider.
Rhythm general features.
A description of a Rhythm for catalog purpose.
Define a parameter that influences the way a Rhythm generates music.
A description of a RhythmParameter for catalog purpose.
An object that can provide Rhythms instances.
RhythmProvider descriptive information.
A special JList to show RhythmProviders.
A dialog to select a rhythm for a SongStructure.
The object responsible to preview a rhythm.
A JTable to show a list of rhythms.
Describe a voice for which a Rhythm will generate music.
The main types of a rhythm voice.
A special RhythmVoice which is a delegate for another source RhythmVoice.
A description of a RhythmVoice for catalog purpose.
A service provider to find an appropriate Instrument to render a RhythmVoice in a MidiMix.
A rounded JPanel.
A RhythmParemeter representing positive integer values.
A RhythmParameter whose value can be some specified strings.
Standard RhythmParameter: double feel
Standard RhythmParameter: is there a fill at the end of a SongPart.
Standard RhythmParameter: Intensity=[-10;+10]
Standard RhythmParameter
A RhythmParameter composed of a set of strings.
A RhythmParameter to replace one or more generated Phrases by custom Phrases.
A RhythmParameter to replace one or more RhythmVoice phrases by custom phrases.
A RhythmParameter to transform a drums phrase.
A RhythmParameter value to transform a drums phrase.
Standard RhythmParameter: a marker for song parts, used to conditionnaly enable the optional alternate chord symbols.
System RhythmParameter: mute one or more instruments.
Standard RhythmParameter: Tempo percentage change.
A RhythmParameter-specific dialog to edit its value.
Provide RpCustomEditor implementations.
A dialog to customize a set of RP values.
RpEditor combines a label with an editor component adapted to the type of RhythmParameter.
A RhythmParameter value editor component for RpEditors.
A factory for RhythmParameter component editors (whatever the rhythm) to be used with a RpEditor in the SongPart editor.
A RhythmParameter capability : enumerable.
A RhythmParameter value has changed.
Singleton class to manage RhythmParameter values copy/paste operations.
A RhythmParameter viewer.
The edit operations which can be triggered directly by a RpViewer.
A RpViewerRenderer which has the capability to directly change the RhythmParameter value using the mouse.
A renderer for a RpViewer.
Provide RpViewerRenderers implementations.
A list of notes.
Convenience class to create and optionally save to a file a BufferedImage of an area on the screen.
A section in a leadsheet has a name and a TimeSignature.
A JDialog used to edit a Section item.
One section has been moved.
A dummy class just to use annotations in order to create a Netbeans callback action for our SelectAll action, which does different things according we're on a ChordLeadSheet or a SongStructure.
A class to represent a selected bar in the chordleadsheet editor.
An event to indicate that a high-level SongStructure action that changes the song structure has started or is complete.
Describe a change in a SongStructure.
Listen to a SongStructure changes.
Show the output window connected to the log file.
A ChordSequence which has only one TimeSignature.
A convenience class to create insignificant undoableedits that can be combined into CompoundEdits.
A Swing Layout that will shrink or enlarge to keep the content of a container while keeping it's aspect ratio.
A FileSystemView class that limits the file selections to a single root.
A Phrase which has a size (beat range) and a time signature.
A JButton which can be "small" even when using FlatDarkLaf (FlatDarkLaf applies a minimum width of 72 to all buttons!).
A silly but fast map for small maps, based on simple ArrayLists and iterative search.
The song object.
A ChordSequence built for a song, or a part of a song.
A result of the split method.
Collect various data about a Song context in order to facilitate music generation.
Create a new SongContext by deep copying the Song and the MidiMix.
PlaybackSession additional capability: the session provides a SongContext
The central place where all song editors are created (from scratch, loaded from file, etc.) and managed.
Manage the creation and the registration of the songs.
An interface for objects able to import a song object from a file.
Top component which displays something.
Helper methods to export a Song to a Midi file.
A helper class to be notified when a song and other elements have changed in a way that will impact music generation for that song.
A song part defines how a rhythm is played for a number of bars starting at startBarIndex.
A SongContext with only one SongPart.
Singleton class to manage SongParts copy/cut/paste operations.
Store a RP and its associated SongPart.
Methods to convert a Song into Phrases and Midi sequence.
The return value of the buildSongSequence() methods.
A SongStructure manages SongParts.
Song utilities methods.
A source Phrase is a Phrase associated to a source chord symbol and possibly with some client properties.
A set of phrases for different channels.
A JPanel which lets user edit the currently selected SongParts.
A SongPart has been replaced with another one with same size/startBarIndex.
A base class for SongPart viewers.
A factory for SongPartEditors.
Listener of SptViewer events.
The graphical settings for a SongPartEditor.
Listener of events fired by SS_ContextActionSupport.
A helper class to write SS_Editor context aware actions.
A SongStructure editor.
Listen to mouse input and edit operations from a SongStructure editor.
Top component for the SongStructure editor.
Provide convenience methods to get information about a selection in a lookup.
Conversion methods between GM/GS/GM2/XG standard instruments.
Note mapping methods between GS/GM2/XG/GM DrumMaps.
A special marker class reserved for standard JJazz scales.
A standard scale (e.g.
Manage the opening/closing of song files at startup/shutdown.
A startup task.
A BaseSongSession which becomes dirty as soon as the SongContext has changed musically.
Provide the standard KeyMaps.
Compute string metrics.
String-value based and serializable ObservableProperties.
A simple editor: just display RP value as a string.
The settings of the default RpRenderer which just display value as a String.
A song listener to detect a structural change in the song: bar added or removed, time signature changed, section moved.
The service provider in charge of providing the rhythm stubs when no valid rhythm is available for a given time signature.
A range of tempo.
A service to hear a few test notes.
Utilities related to text layout and TextLayoutPart.
A LayerUI that display a centered text over the view component using a semi-transparent background.
Represent a model for a chord diagram: which notes are pressed, which strings, which fret position.
Class that helps to create a chord from information put in ChordSelector dialog.
Stores the information about the chord name, structure and alteration abilities into a list
chord data structure, contains all info for chord formation *
A set of colors/fonts/borders etc and L&F to customize application appearance.
The time signature of a bar, e.g.
An Action which can be selected or not.
An exception to be raised by listeners to veto a ChordLeadSheet change.
An UpdatableSongSession is a BaseSongSession wrapper which enables on-the-fly updates of the playing sequence using UpdatableSongSession.updateSequence(org.jjazz.musiccontrol.api.playbacksession.UpdatableSongSession.Update).
A song update produced by an UpdateProvider and processed by the UpdatableSongSession.
A SongContextSession capability: can provide updates after sequence was generated (i.e. while session is in the GENERATED state).
A special UpdatableSongSession, which accepts an UpdateProvider as base session, and which closes itself after being played.
A session to be used as a BaseSongSession for an UpdatableSongSession.
Manage the tasks to upgrade settings from a previous version of JJazzLab to the current version.
An upgrade task.
A special kind of MusicGenerationException for errors that user can fix, such as 2 chord symbols at the same position, no chord symbol at section start, etc.
A special RhythmVoice subtype for user phrases.
Phrase manipulation methods.
Various convenience functions.
Display a text vertically (text is rotated on the left).
A special instance used as the "void" alternate chord symbol.
A special "void" instrument: no bank change or program change is associated to this instrument.
VTextIcon is an Icon implementation which draws a short string vertically.
A JSpinner with mousewheel support, and some convenience methods.
Our special text area for the wizard.
The Yamaha XG bank.
A synth which only contains the XG bank.
Zooming capabilities for an editor.
Zoom value for an editor.